These are chocolate covered coconut macaroons that I made from orangette's recipe. Her blog has an index of recipes on the right hand side.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
We had the traditional corned beef & cabbage & red pototoes on the eve of St. Pat's Day. With the leftovers Joe made Hachis Parmentier and Pam made Corned Beef & Cabbage Pizza. The food and company were delicious. Pam had accompanied Jane from Chula Vista and this was Pam's farewell party at her daughter, Tamra's. Pam's sisters and some of her kids were there too, but out of respect to Becky, I'm not posting anymore photos (although I will be emailing them to Jane)
Monday, March 09, 2009
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Wine Tasting...
We hadn’t participated in an in house wine tasting dinner since our dear friends, Pascal & Christine, hosted an event in spring of 2007. Wow, time flies; now they’re living in Kuwait.
Last evening we all brought a bottle of cabernet sauvignon to go with the excellent meal that Cathy & Keith had prepared . The bottles were disguised in numbered brown paper bags and revealed at the end of the meal.
A little fact on our wine choice, Cabernet Sauvignon:
It is the most widely planted and significant among the five dominant varieties in the Medoc district of France's Bordeaux region, as well as the most successful red wine produced in California. Long thought to be an ancient variety, recent genetic studies at U.C. Davis have determined that Cabernet Sauvignon is actually the hybrid offspring of Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Franc.
our hosts: